Laboratory practice is a crucial aspect of all MCC courses, and fifty percent of didactic activities is spent undertaking practical conservation on mosaics. This is intended to give the trainees the opportunity to put into practice the theory learnt during lectures, and to gain precious first-hand experience. Within the two modules of MCC Libya 2014 […]
In 2005 the Center for Archaeological Conservation in Rome (CCA) began the restoration of the mosaic of the Transfiguration in the Monastery of Saint Catherine in Sinai. The mosaic is a jewel of early byzantine art. A video recounting the steps taken to conserve and safeguard the Transfiguration mosaic, by Roberto Nardi, text Chiara […]
The video tells about the project for the conservation and restoration of the Nuragic sculptures of Mont’e Prama, Cabras, Sardinia, carried out by the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica, Roma, during 2007-11.
Intervention of conservation and restoration of the sculptures of Monte Prama (Cabras, Oristano), started in November 2007 by CCA, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica, and concluded in February 2014 with the transportation of the sculptures in the museums of Cabras and Cagliari. The intervention was undertaken in a location of the Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici […]
Intervention of conservation and restoration of the sculptures of Monte Prama (Cabras, Oristano), started in November 2007 by CCA, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica, and concluded in February 2014 with the transportation of the sculptures in the museums of Cabras and Cagliari. The intervention was undertaken in a location of the Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici della […]