Yesterday in Oslo, the European Commission and Europa Nostra awarded the final prizes 2015 for the best projects in conservation, research and documentation within the cultural field. The Public Choice Award, the most prestigious among all, was awarded by HRH Haakon Crown Prince of Norway, to Roberto Nardi, director of the Centro di Conservazione Archaeologica […]
On Thursday the 26th of March 2015, Roberto Nardi and Gaël de Guichen gave the opening speech at the conference “Sensibiliser les publics a la conservation-restauration”, “Raising the awareness of the public to conservation-restoration”. The speech was part of a two-days conference that took place at the Auditorium de la Cité de l’architecture & du […]
The MCC General Meeting 2014 took place in Alghero, Sardinia, Faculty of Architecture, Alghero University, on October 24th – 26th, gathering participants from all past MCC courses. In particular, the event saw the participation of former trainees from MCC Syria 2011-2012, MCC Jordan & Tunisia 2012-2013, MCC Libya 2014 and MCC Jordan Syria Tunisia 2014. […]
Mosaic Conservation Course (MCC) Jordan&Tunisia 2012-2013 is a training course for restorers and conservators of mosaics from Jordan and Tunisia. The course, organized by CCA, the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica di Roma was held in the Convento di San Nicola in Belmonte in Sabina, Italy, and directed by Roberto Nardi. The course is part of […]
Archaeological Conservation Institute (ACI) is a collaboration between Randolph College, Virginia and Centro di Conservazione Archeologica (CCA) – Roma. At its third edition, the course was held under the direction of Roberto Nardi (CCA’s director) and Susan Stevens (Professor of Classics and archaeology, Randolph College). It took place between the 14th of May and the […]