In previous weeks we’ve been blogging about the Mosaic Conservation Course General Meeting, an exciting event that gathered MCC alumni in Sardinia for a full day workshop. Read an overview of the Meeting here, and a report on Syrian alumni’s presentations in Session 1 here. Now for the Meeting’s second session, which featured presentations from four ex-participants […]
The MCC General Meeting recently took place in Alghero, Sardinia, gathering alumni from all past Mosaic Conservation Courses. Eighteen participants from Syria, Jordan, Tunisia and Libya gave presentations on projects carried out in their institutions. In the next weeks we’ll be posting reports on each of the four sessions. Session 1 saw four presentations from members […]
A joint IIC and ICOM-CC the International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation, declaration on environmental guidelines was announced during the closing ceremony of the IIC 2014 Congress in Hong Kong. Developed in conjunction with ICOM-CC through a joint working group, the declaration was drafted at the ICOM-CC conference in Melbourne, and finalized in a […]
Last week the CCA team had the pleasure of attending the 12th ICCM conference, a triennial international event that gathers specialists from around the world to discuss current research and practice in mosaics conservation. It was held in Sassari and Alghero, in Sardinia, at the invitation of the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici per le Province […]
The MCC General Meeting 2014 took place in Alghero, Sardinia, Faculty of Architecture, Alghero University, on October 24th – 26th, gathering participants from all past MCC courses. In particular, the event saw the participation of former trainees from MCC Syria 2011-2012, MCC Jordan & Tunisia 2012-2013, MCC Libya 2014 and MCC Jordan Syria Tunisia 2014. […]