Intervention of conservation and restoration of the sculptures of Monte Prama (Cabras, Oristano), started in November 2007 by CCA, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica, and concluded in February 2014 with the transportation of the sculptures in the museums of Cabras and Cagliari. The intervention was undertaken in a location of the Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici della Sardegna in Li Punti, Sassari, set up for the purpose by CCA.
This is an extraordinary group of stone fragments from the nuragic period depicting archers, warriors, boxers and models of nuraghe. There are two hypotheses about their age: one theory dates the statues to around the 6th century BC; the other goes farther back to the 1st millennium BC.
The project has involved a cultural multidisciplinary program aiming to join together the aspects of conservation and restoration, of public engagement and of communication on a regional, national and international level.
The traditional restoration workshop has become a Gallery Laboratory where conservators and the public had the opportunity to interact and confront themselves about the Monte ‘e Prama statues, their conservation and restoration, their significance and display. The intervention has been long and complex, and it was undertaken on public display, because the statues belong to the public.