This week we’re reporting on the final session of the Mosaic Conservation Course General Meeting, which featured four speakers from Jordan who participated in the latest MCC course. Read our previous reports on Session 1, Session 2 and Session 3.
Evaluation of the participants of the Mosaic Conservation Course (MCC) Jordan&Tunisia 2012-2013. MCC J&T 2012-2013 is a training course for restorers and conservators of mosaics from Jordan and Tunisia. The course, organized by CCA, the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica di Roma, was held in the Convento di San Nicola in Belmonte in Sabina, Italy, and […]
Mosaic Conservation Course (MCC) Jordan&Tunisia 2012-2013 is a training course for restorers and conservators of mosaics from Jordan and Tunisia. The course, organized by CCA, the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica di Roma was held in the Convento di San Nicola in Belmonte in Sabina, Italy, and directed by Roberto Nardi. The course is part of […]