CCA, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica is a private firm operating on public commission in the field of conservation of monuments, works of art and archaeological sites. It was founded in 1982 by graduates of the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro, as a highly specialized professional venture.
The CCA, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica was established in 1982 as a private/public service organisation in the field of conservation, maintenance and protection of monuments, archaeological sites, mural paintings and mosaics. The CCA is based in the restored convent of San Nicola, located 80 km (50 miles) to the north of Rome, where the field projects are managed and the professional training programs and laboratory activities are carried out.
The company, headed by Roberto Nardi, is made up of professional conservators who all trained at the ICR, Istituto Centrale del Restauro in Rome in the conservation and restoration of monuments, mosaics, wall paintings and archaeological finds. The CCA undertake a range of projects from educational programs in preventive conservation, restoration-conservation through to complex conservation treatments and long-term major conservation programs for monuments, museum collections and archaeological sites.
A team of passionate conservators
Roberto Nardi
Roberto Nardi gained a degree in archaeology from the University of Rome in 1982.
Read MoreAndreina Costanzi Cobau
Andreina Costanzi Cobau in 1983 graduated in conservation of paintings at Istituto Centrale del Restauro, Roma.
Read MoreChiara Zizola
Chiara Zizola received her degree in 1993 in conservation of paintings, stuccoes and architectural surfaces from ICR.
Read MoreGian Mario Porcheddu
Gian Mario Porcheddu graduated in Communications and Journalism from the University of Sassari.
CCA’s operational headquarters are in the province of Rieti, 80 km from Rome, in an old 13th-century Franciscan convent perched atop a hill in the midst of the green Sabine countryside. The CCA dedicated its resources and ten years of hard work to restore the building’s architecture while respecting its original structures and fittingsREFERENCES
Some of the references that made us proud!HIGHLIGHTS
Some of the most important CCA highlights since 1982