Gian Mario Porcheddu
Gian Mario Porcheddu graduated in Communications and Journalism from the University of Sassari, with a thesis titled: “Interaction People-Museum: technology in the service of museums.”
Subsequently he gained a qualification as Technical Assistant for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.
He has started collaborating with CCA in 2008, working on the Conservation Project of Mont’e Prama statues in 2008-2010. He has worked on the restoration and museum display of the Roman Villa of Sant’Imbenia in 2011-2014, on the transport of the Mont’e Prama statues in 2014, and since 2011 to today on the training courses MCC MOSAIKON, Randolph College and University of Delaware.
At CCA he is responsible for digital communication and the archive, he works as assistant in restoration and conservation projects as well as acting as coordinator and support during training courses.