Virtual restoration of the frescoes
Computer graphics is widely employed in archaeological conservation. The most common applications are those related to the documentary study of monuments with the aim of diagnosing degradation and planning interventions, by registering in a dynamic way the data regarding conservation conditions, original techniques and ancient restorations, as well as modern treatments.
Digital techniques employed in this project aimed to simulate the original appearance of the paintings, now severely disfigured. Missing areas were virtually integrated through computerized imaging, by comparing them with paintings from the same time period showing similar iconography and style.
Digital reconstruction used archaeological mapping as a basis, and maintained a clear distinction between hypothesis and data. This allowed to identify the iconography almost entirely, recognizing the figures and scenes depicted. Seven scenes from the New Testament, the Annunciation and the flight into Egypt occupy the niches on the Western side of the bema.
The figure of Christ dominates the center of the North wall. He is surrounded by the four Evangelists, of which Saint Josef, Saint Marc and Saint Matthew are preserved.
Saint John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary with Child and the standing Apostles occupy the eastern corner close to the apse.