About this publication
In: Sfameni, C., Volpi, M. (eds). 2019. Oltre la Villa. Ricerche nei siti archeologici del territorio di Cottanello, Configni, Vacone e Montasola. Atti dell’Incontro di Studio Cottanello 20 ottobre 2018. Roma: Arbor Sapientiae Editore, 71-79.
Since 2017, the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica of Rome (CCA) has implemented a program for the ordinary maintenance of the mosaics of the Roman villa of Cottanello. This program is carried out in collaboration with the local Municipality and the Soprintendenza. This initiative is developed within the educational programs that the CCA carries out together with several universities in the United States as well as within the frame of Mosaikon, a participative initiative dedicated to the countries of the southern Mediterranean directed by ICCROM, ICCM Foundation, The Getty Foundation, the Getty Conservation Institute.
In October 2018, with the participation of students from the universities of Grove City, Virginia, and Connecticut, along with mosaic conservators from the antiquities departments of Algeria and Tunisia, the CCA carried out a technical survey of the villa, including an analysis of the state of conservation of the mosaics and the roof. As a result, a preliminary intervention project was draw up. In this paper, the necessary interventions for the conservation of the loors and walls of the villa are presented, and some solutions are suggested to enhance the protective function of the current roof that covers the site. Finally, we present a new protected path with the goal to facilitate a safe and sustainable fruition of the ancient monument by the visitors.
Author(s): Nardi R., Porcheddu G. M.
Year Published: 2019
Language / Translations: Italiano