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Cahiers d’étude = Study series, N. 1, 9-11.
In recent years, restoration projects have more and more often been open to the public. We may say that, in general, there has been an increase in the attention paid by the world of conservation to informing the media and the general public. In this paper we will examine this phenomenon in the light of the experience of the CCA, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica, which in the last ten years has opened its restoration worksites to the public whenever circumstances permitted. Underlying the enterprise of informing visitors is the consideration that every time the public is involved, the results are positive, in both the short and the long term: in the short term, with a large participation in the initiative; in the long term, with an increased awareness on the subject of conservation. Thus if we believe that the protection of the cultural heritage must be obtained through systems of prevention, then the raising of public awareness is a key element: it will be the citizens themselves who, one day, will feel themselves to be participants in the responsibility and pleasure of protecting the cultural heritage.
Dans cet article, nous examinerons ce phénomène sur la base de l’expérience du CCA, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica di Roma, qui, pendant dix ans, a ouvert ses chantiers de restauration au public quand les circonstances l’ont permis. De cette action d’informer les visiteurs, il ressort que chaque fois que l’attention du public a été engagée, on a obtenu des résultats positifs soit à court terme soit à long terme: à court terme, il y a eu une grande participation à l’initiative et à long terme une sensibilitation accrue aux problèmes de conservation. Si nous croyons donc que la protection des biens culturesl doit passer par des moyens de prévention, il est évident que la sensibilisation du public est un élément clé. Ce seront les citoyens eux-mêmes qui, un jour ressentiront la responsibilité et le plaisir de protéger leur patrimoine culturel
Author(s): Nardi, R.
Year Published: 1995
Language / Translations: English