Andreina Costanzi Cobau
Andreina Costanzi Cobau in 1983 graduated in conservation of paintings (canvas and mural) at Istituto Centrale del Restauro, Roma, being Laura and Paolo Mora her teachers. With them, she worked at the Giotto frescoes in Assisi (1983) and at the Mantegna’s “Camera degli Sposi” in Mantova (1983). In the same institute in 1985 she specialized in conservation of stone monuments.
Since the time of her thesis at the ICR she has been involved in re-discovering the uses of lime in ancient times and in reusing it nowadays in applied conservation projects. In 1984 she experimented for Torraca the hydraulic mortar grouting at the Crypta Balbi in Rome. In 1987 she carried out the conservation of Basilica Sotterranea di Porta Maggiore and Casa Bellezza (I sec. d.C.) for the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma.
In 2004, she received the Keck Award (IIC International Institute of Conservation of London) for the best program of communication in conservation with Aperto per Restauro the conservation of the Centaurus at the Capitoline Museum in Rome, a CCA project.
She took part to the conservation project of CCA, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica, since 1983 when she jointed CCA. In 1990 she become partner with responsibility on mural paintings conservation and she is currently in charge of CCA documentation.
She has been a member of the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics (ICCM) since 1985.