About this publication
In: Proceedings of the VIIIth Conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of the Mosaic, ICCM, Thessaloniki, 29-October – 3 November 2002. Thessaloniki: 2005.331-346
The ancient town of Zeugma on the river Euphrates in South Anatolia, Turkey, was partially inundated during the year 2000 by the new Birecik Dam. In this context, the Packard Humanities Institute organized in co-ordination with the Turkish Authorities an international program for emergency archaeological rescue operations, based on excavation, and on site conservation. This paper reports the operations implemented by 25 professional conservators from CCA, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica, in charge of the conservation management. Field assistance to the archaeologists, first aid during excavation, preventive conservation, protection, reburial and “risks mitigation” of the flooded area are some of the operations that are presented. A two-year maintenance program is also described.
Author(s): Nardi, R.
Year Published: 2005
Language / Translations: English