About this publication
In: Salvadori M., Fagioli F., Sbrolli C. (eds.) 2019. Nuovi dati per la conoscenza della pittura antica. Atti del I colloquio AIRPA, Aquileia, 16-17 Giugno 2017. Roma: Edizioni Quasar, 273-281.
Numerous fragments of painted plaster were recovered during the 1994-2005 excavation campaign at the Roman Villaof Sant’Imbenia, at Alghero, Sardinia. The documentation and conservation stages gathered substantial historical and technical data concerning mortar characteristics, details of iconographic motifs, as well as general deterioration typologies. Iconographic motifs and systems were identified: in particular, two small domes with flowers and a velarium. The most ambitious aspect of the project was the reconstruction of the panelled ceiling and planning for installation in a museum context, along with an opus sectile floor and wall veneers. The result is a hypothetical reconstruction, open to further modifications and additions, currently exhibited in the Alghero Municipal Museum.
Author(s): Costanzi Cobau A., Rovina D.
Year Published: 2019
Language / Translations: Italiano