About this lecture
A lecture of Roberto Nardi on the conservation project of the Nuragic sculptures of Mont’e Prama held on 8th July at 16.00 IST via Zoom in the frame of INTACH Conservation Institute Lecture Series ‘Conservation Insights 2020’.
In the 1970s, 5178 stone fragments dating from the eleventh to eighth centuries BC, representing archers, boxers, warriors and nuraghe models, were excavated by the Archaeological Superintendence of Cagliari (Sardinia) from the funerary and sacred area of Monte Prama, near Cabras, Oristano. The statues are known today as the Giants of Monte Prama, due to their impressive dimensions, more than two meters in height. In 2007 the CCA, designed and implemented a conservation project to put the statues on display at the Museums of Cagliari and Cabras. The Mont’e Prama Conservation project was a multidisciplinary effort aiming to bring together conservation, museology, public engagement, community involvement and communication on a regional, national and international level.
You can follow the conference in the video made by INTACH Conservation Institute
Speaker(s): Roberto Nardi
Date: July 8th, 2020
Location(s): INTACH via Zoom
Organizing Institution(s): INTACH Conservation Institute of New Delhi