About this lecture
On September 1st 2012, Prof. Roberto Nardi gave a lecture on the project of restoration, conservation and musealisation of the Monte Prama Nuragic sculptures, Cabras (OR). During the event, organised by the Biblioteca “Gino Pallatta” of Fregene (RM), Prof. Nardi recalled the history of this amazing sculpture collection.
The collection, discovered in 1974, went through a long and complex conservation intervention, promoted by Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici per le Province di Sassari e Nuoro and carried out by CCA. During the project CCA conservators had to deal with over 5000 stone fragments, that have been carefully documented and assembled. Eventually, they comprised a collection of 38 statues representing archers, boxers, warriors and models of Nuraghe.
Speaker(s): Roberto Nardi
Date: September 1st, 2012
Location(s): Hotel La Conchiglia, Fregene, Rome, Italy
Organizing Institution(s): Biblioteca “Gino Pallotta” – Fregene (RM)