In 1996, CCA conserved the Large Baths of Masada in Israel, a site visited by two million visitors per year and inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2001.
As part of the program and integral feature of the project, a second training course was offered to five technicians employed by the Israeli Parks Agency, in order to create a group able to deal with future maintenance of the site’s structures and to face any first-aid treatment necessary.
The theoretical and practical course took place over six months. During this period, course participants were exposed to the main themes of preventive conservation and in situ conservation, following the principle of minimal intervention. They also developed technical skill in key conservation operations, such as cleaning, consolidation and use of lime-based materials.
Special emphasis was given to analysing condition of surfaces and causes of damage, as well as documentation techniques for recording information and long-term analysis of materials, in order to develop an effective maintenance plan.
The course participants – Nissan Ben Natan, Dorit Campbell, Ilan Campbell, Id Kolshan and Hweimel Hemeise – worked continuously alongside CCA conservators, and were able to apply methodologies and treatment techniques directly in the field.
The teacher of the course was Roberto Nardi.