by Luka Cipek.
The 15th edition of the event took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from 22 to 24 September, 2016, gathering a wide scope of heritage professionals: 149 participants from 33 countries and various geographical and working environments. Forty-four laureates awarded in 2015 were featured in a packed three-day programme, representing almost all aspects of present-day best practices.
In addition to being a sensational archaeological discovery, the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award 2015 laureate, the Nuragic Sculptures of Monte Prama from Sardinia, Italy, presented by Dr Roberto Nardi, may well serve as a paradigm of integrated, dynamic conservation, exhibiting and community engagement. In a short period of time, it has succeeded in dynamising and enhancing the identity of Sardinia and placed its community on the map of desirable destinations, while energising its economic potential.
Medium: ICOM E-Newsletter
Date Published: Ottobre 1, 2016
Language Published: English